It is certain that the mere act of inditing tends, in a great degree, to the logicalisation of thought. Whenever, on account of its vagueness, I am dissatisfied with a conception of the brain, I resort forthwith to the pen, for the purpose of obtaining, through its aid, the necessary form, consequence, and precision.
1844, Edgar Allen Poe, Marginalia

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An Odd Prompt

Here is your writing prompt!

Prompt: Write a Romance piece about a steeplejack who attends a meeting. At some point, the steeplejack must appear in a construction site and encounter a barrel (not necessarily at the same time).
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Type (optional): Parody
Genre: Romance
Occupation: Steeplejack
Situation: attends a meeting
Location: Construction Site
Prop: Barrel
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Sentence Structure

Story Blurb



Narrator and Point of View


Dialogue and Monologue

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