It is certain that the mere act of inditing tends, in a great degree, to the logicalisation of thought. Whenever, on account of its vagueness, I am dissatisfied with a conception of the brain, I resort forthwith to the pen, for the purpose of obtaining, through its aid, the necessary form, consequence, and precision.
1844, Edgar Allen Poe, Marginalia

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Oddly Prompted

I call this page "Oddly Prompted" because it contains a list of odd prompts.

The prompts are generated by randomly selecting a story type, genre, occupation, scene location and scene prop. I throw them together into a sentence and voilĂ !

Here is a list from the odd prompt generator.

Click here to see the source of the prompts and to suggest your own elements.

2012 — 2013 — 2014 — 2015 — 2016 — 2017 — 2018 — 2019 — 2020 — 2021 — 2022 — 2023 — 2024
Jan — Feb — Mar — Apr — May — Jun — Jul — Aug — Sep — Oct — Nov — Dec

9/29/2019Write a Literary Fiction piece about a chambermaid who gets lost. At some point, the chambermaid must appear in an office and encounter a chemical substance (not necessarily at the same time).

9/29/2019Write a Science Fiction piece about a football player who catches a forward pass. At some point, the football player must appear in a store and encounter a ladder (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Science Fiction piece about a cement mason who wins the lottery. At some point, the cement mason must appear in an art studio and encounter scissors (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Mystery piece about a barber who goes to a baseball game. At some point, the barber must appear in a train station and encounter a power drill (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Action-Adventure piece about a mechanic who falls off a cliff. At some point, the mechanic must appear in a football field and encounter paint & brushes (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Mystery piece about a clockmaker who learns to ballroom dance. At some point, the clockmaker must appear in a laboratory and encounter wrenches (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Science Fiction piece about a tailor who goest to a concert. At some point, the tailor must appear in a workshop and encounter ballet shoes (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Action-Adventure piece about a chimney sweep who rents a movie. At some point, the chimney sweep must appear in a salon and encounter a wood & brick (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Action-Adventure piece about a stonemason who passes out. At some point, the stonemason must appear in a jewelry store and encounter a baggage cart (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Horror piece about a painter who returns to school. At some point, the painter must appear in a football field and encounter pendulums and gears (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Action-Adventure piece about an astronaut who becomes a vagrant. At some point, the astronaut must appear in a room and encounter scissors (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Crime piece about a computer programmer who bunts a baseball. At some point, the computer programmer must appear in an office and encounter a plumbing snake (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Fantasy piece about an accountant who plays an extra in a TV show. At some point, the accountant must appear in a workshop and encounter pots & pans (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Detective piece about a doctor who passes out. At some point, the doctor must appear in a house and encounter a ledger book (not necessarily at the same time).

9/27/2019Write a Fantasy piece about an architect who gets married. At some point, the architect must appear in a construction site and encounter paint canvas (not necessarily at the same time).

9/26/2019Write a Action-Adventure piece about a physicist who bunts a baseball. At some point, the physicist must appear in an animal hospital and encounter a hammer (not necessarily at the same time).

9/25/2019Write a Romance piece about a hairstylist who bunts a baseball. At some point, the hairstylist must appear in a house and encounter sewing supplies (not necessarily at the same time).

9/24/2019Write a Science Fiction piece about an optometrist who gets lost. At some point, the optometrist must appear in a classroom and encounter a cleaver (not necessarily at the same time).

9/22/2019Write a Fantasy piece about an engineer who blows up the lab. At some point, the engineer must appear in a workshop and encounter punches and dies (not necessarily at the same time).

9/20/2019Write a Science Fiction piece about a boilermaker who goes away for vacation. At some point, the boilermaker must appear in a fish market and encounter a carpet tack strip (not necessarily at the same time).

9/19/2019Write a Action-Adventure piece about a mechanic who bunts a baseball. At some point, the mechanic must appear in a factory and encounter a leotard (not necessarily at the same time).

9/18/2019Write a Action-Adventure piece about a surgeon who rents a movie. At some point, the surgeon must appear in a hospital and encounter a baggage cart (not necessarily at the same time).

9/16/2019Write a Science Fiction piece about a watchmaker who punts a football. At some point, the watchmaker must appear in a barbershop and encounter a film (not necessarily at the same time).

9/16/2019Write a Action-Adventure piece about a scientist who travels for work. At some point, the scientist must appear in a chimney and encounter an eye chart (not necessarily at the same time).

9/15/2019Write a Fantasy piece about a chambermaid who blows up the lab. At some point, the chambermaid must appear in a laboratory and encounter an equipment (not necessarily at the same time).

9/14/2019Write a Crime piece about a lawyer who learns to play an instrument. At some point, the lawyer must appear in an office and encounter a t-square (not necessarily at the same time).

9/12/2019Write a Fantasy piece about an archivist who goes to a football game. At some point, the archivist must appear in a room and encounter a cash register (not necessarily at the same time).

9/11/2019Write a Crime piece about a football coach who goes to a nightclub. At some point, the football coach must appear in an office and encounter a podium (not necessarily at the same time).

9/10/2019Write a Science Fiction piece about a cement mason who loses a job. At some point, the cement mason must appear in a barbershop and encounter an eye chart (not necessarily at the same time).

9/10/2019Write a Horror piece about a construction who goest to a concert. At some point, the construction must appear in an office and encounter a forge (not necessarily at the same time).

9/8/2019Write a Literary Fiction piece about a tailor who plays in a band. At some point, the tailor must appear in a school and encounter a watch repair kit (not necessarily at the same time).

9/8/2019Write a Action-Adventure piece about a lineworker who reads a book. At some point, the lineworker must appear in a factory and encounter a ledger book (not necessarily at the same time).

9/8/2019Write a Romance piece about a flight attendant who gets into a car accident. At some point, the flight attendant must appear in a room and encounter a palette (not necessarily at the same time).

9/8/2019Write a Mystery piece about an actuary who coaches a little league team. At some point, the actuary must appear in an automotive shop and encounter a drum (not necessarily at the same time).

9/8/2019Write a Fantasy piece about a cobbler who bunts a baseball. At some point, the cobbler must appear in a workshop and encounter a stethoscope (not necessarily at the same time).

9/8/2019Write a Romance piece about a football player who reads a book. At some point, the football player must appear in a workshop and encounter a particle accelerator (not necessarily at the same time).

9/6/2019Write a Horror piece about an astronaut who attends a meeting. At some point, the astronaut must appear in an office and encounter an aviation headset (not necessarily at the same time).

9/5/2019Write a Action-Adventure piece about an electrician who bunts a baseball. At some point, the electrician must appear in a stage and encounter a particle accelerator (not necessarily at the same time).

9/3/2019Write a Literary Fiction piece about a barman who strikes out. At some point, the barman must appear in a school and encounter a stethoscope (not necessarily at the same time).




Sentence Structure

Story Blurb



Narrator and Point of View


Dialogue and Monologue

by JS Blume Publishing™ except where otherwise noted
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